The Shipman Group

Access + Relationship = Increased Revenue

If you are looking to expand your business growth with relationships, we are your firm.

Proven Success...

Who We Are

The Shipman Group II is a sales and marketing firm 

that represents companies looking to increase their sales capability and access to new business opportunities.

We are nationally known for our expertise in sales management techniques, strategies for business development

and marketing consultation maximizing sales efforts. 

Why Choose Us?

Strategy, Flexibility and Change

why the shipman group 2 leveraging the following certifications & organizations

Client Served

Marketing and Sales Consulting

We accurately evaluate our clients strengths and weaknesses to determine the optimal way to increase their reach.

Interpersonal Growth

We shop the market to and help you connect with opportunities that develop at a faster pace. 

Business Opportunity Alignment

We leverage our relationships to expedite sales and increase client revenue.